
Sunday 22 September 2013

Disappointing products.

Howdy everyone, 
Now it's not often that you will hear me speaking negatively about a product, to be honest it's normally the opposite, AKA I won't stop raving and/or going on about it. The main reason for this is I like to do a bit of research before I buy a product,  whether that's reading blog posts about it or scrolling through the little reviews on the boots website.
Either way, I tend to be pretty clued up on what I'm going to be parting with my cash for. The main theme in this post is that I had not done my homework before purchasing these things, so really it's my fault I don't like these products, but hey you win some and you lose some right?

First up is some `T-zone` maximum action nose pore strips.

 Now I know that loads of people swear by this kind of product, but I just can't get them to work for me. I've also tried the Biore ones, however I had the same experience as I did with these. I apply them as the instructions say, but when it comes to removal they are so painful! My eyes always fill with tears when I try to take one off, and when I have managed to, all it has done is leave a horrible residue on my face, and not unclog more pores at all. So I think it's safe to say this is not a product for me!

One thing that I do  absolutely HATE are these Quickies eye makeup remover pads. 

We bought these on holiday because we had run out of make up remover (story of my life!) and the chemist we went to didn't have an alternative. I can safely say this is the worst product I have ever used to take of my makeup; for a start, the pads themselves are really thin and scratchy, and the solution they are soaked it is incredibly greasy. When I wiped this across my eye in the usual way, the product made my eyes go all fuzzy and uncomfortable. Basically, steer clear of these at all costs!

This next one is going to be controversial, because it is the Maybelline Baby lips. Now don't get me wrong, I like these, I even featured the `Hydrate` one is my August favourites, but I just think they are ridiculously over hyped.

I was expecting something really amazing, and maybe I just got it into my head that these were going to be the best thing ever, but to be honest, they're just ok. I'm also not a fan of glittery lips (see above swatch) so that was another factor in my disappointment. 

Another lip product that doesn't do it for me is a Maybelline colour sensational lipstick. 

Admittedly, it's the shade I was underwhelmed with. I even said it in my wedding haul that I wasn't very keen on it. I thought it was going to be an actual colour, rather than something pearlescent, and like I said with the baby lips, I don't like glitter!

Somehow this is another Maybelline product. I actually really like maybelline so I'm not really sure what's going on! The problem with this mascara for me is that it's just not effective.

I like a mascara to really do something, whether that's to lengthen, volumize or curl the lashes, and sadly this one isn't great at any of these. it's also brown, and from a girl who loves a black lash, it's off putting.

Lasty is a Collection (still 2000!) product. 

Like everyone and their Mum, I love the Lasting perfection concealer. So with that in mind and the need for a new powder, I thought I'd give this one ago. Sadly, it makes me look really powdery and caked, and tends to wear off really easily. It also has that really weird old lady makeup smell. Yeah.

So these are the products I'm really not keen on, sorry if this was a really negative post to read, normal product raving will resume shortly! 

What products disappoint you? Have you tried any of these?

 P.s, don't forget to enter my giveaway!


  1. I can't believe you're disappointed in Maybelline Great Lash!!! It's my 2nd favourite mascara ever after Benefit They're Real :) I use it for volume! It comes in black too you know, I also love the small brush because it means precise application :)

    Megan x

    1. Aw I really didn't like it! I know loads of people do though so its probably just me :p x

  2. I hate glitter lip products, I just don't get why people would like them?! It's so weird for me :(

  3. I've tried things like those eye makeup remover pads before and they're horrible! They're so scratchy and they sting my eyes! x

  4. I feel like that with the baby lips, used to love them :(

  5. I love disappointing products posts as I think things that aren't worth spending money on is just as important to hear about as great products for those of us who don't have enough money to waste on bad things! I'm totally with you on nose strips too, they just hurt me and leave my skin so sore! x

    Claire | AgentSmyth

  6. Hate glittery lips! I didn't buy the Peach Kiss one for that reason even though the colour looks pretty :/

  7. I hate it when you're left disappointed but I love these posts so I know what to steer clear of! xx

  8. Great postie Alice, I was soo dissapointed with the collection pressed powder too, so I switched to Rimmel's Stay Matte and I have never looked back:-)
    - From Annie ToadRoad

  9. I definitely agree about the Baby Lips being overhyped! They are a pretty good lipbalm but the colours aren't quite right, and I think its mainly the packaging and smell that makes them wantworthy!

    Imogen <3

  10. I don't like glitter lip products too, they always looks so unnatural
    I've tried the collection2000 press powder before and 100% agree with what you said, gives hardly any coverage and makes me look far too powder faced.
    great reviews! x

    1. Thank you :) + I just couldn't get it to work for me! + I agree about the glitter x

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. You totally read my mind when it came to maybelline's baby lips! I personally think they don't do a really good job in hydrating your lips, as compared to the NIVEA lip balms (which I highly recommend).

    Such a great post! Good job, Alice :3


  13. still need to try the baby lips, i cant stop myself from wanting to get at least one after all the hype about them in America, yet over here not so much

  14. Babylips are going to be featuring in my disappointing products post too! I was expecting so much more judging by the level of hype they were getting xx

  15. I totally agree about the baby lips |:
    I like the hydrate one, it does the job, but the Peach feels horrible on the lips because of the glitter...

    // Inês Paúl //

  16. wow! you are the first person I know who doesn't love Baby lips! xx

  17. I've read so many bad reviews about the 'hydrating' Baby Lips so I'm steering away from them now glad I didn't buy one xx
