
Friday 7 March 2014

Pin-board DIY.

Hi hi everyone! 
This Friday I have a little DIY post for you. Some of you might remember that I mentioned in my Charity shop finds #2 post that I recently picked up a pin-board for just £1! I've wanted one for an age, so last Saturday I got to work jazzing it up- here's what I did! 

You will need;

A pin board- for obvious reasons.
Scissors- in order to trim things down and cut the string.
String- to attach the board to the wall.
Wall fixings- see above.
Drawing pins- to add things to the board., but also to add to the back to fix to the wall.
Things to pin!

I'll cover the boring, `must be done things` first; turn your board to the side that will face the wall and knock two drawing pins into the frame on either side. Next pull out a length of string, cut it and wrap several times around the drawing pins on the back. Make sure there is enough so that it will hang nicely. Then you will need to add a fixing to the wall you want it to feature on. With that done, now you can get pinning! 

Obviously, the beauty of a pin-board is that you can add anything and everything and also change it up when you fancy it. Some examples of what I went for are;

Old Polaroids
Photo negatives
Pretty clothes tags and receipts
Print outs and newspaper clippings

All you do now is arrange them nicely, pin them on and hang- et voila! 

I love it- I think it looks fab in my room and it cost next to nothing! 

Tomorrow is actually a really exciting day for me; it marks the one year anniversary of starting my blog! I am planning a giveaway which will hopefully be up tomorrow or Sunday to thank all of you- so keep your eyes wide open for that!

Do you have a pin board? What do you think of mine? 


  1. It looks so so pretty x

  2. Oo looking forward to the giveaway, I desperately want to try this now it looks great and so personal, I've been looking for some decoration for my wall so this will be perfect x


  3. looks absolutely amazing!!

  4. This looks fab! :D x

  5. I'm really motivated to give my pin board a bit of a jazz up now!

  6. Such a nice idea! I really want to make my own pin-board now!

  7. Love a pin board! This looks really lovely, so nice having your favourite things all in one place. Lianne :)

  8. It looks lovely you have done a great job! x
