
Wednesday 7 January 2015

2014: the outfits.

Hello everyone,
This is my annual outfit round up! if I'm honest I feel I should have documented what i wore better, especially in the winter, but the poor lighting and cold conditions made it much less appealing. I have lots of outfits planned so I need to get my OOTD game back up. I did a similar post last year which you can check out here, excuse the eyebrows!

OOTD #34 

OOTD #35

OOTD #36

OOTD #37

OOTD #38

OOTD #39

OOTD #40


OOTD #42

OOTD #43

OOTD #44

OOTD #45

OOTD #46

OOTD #47

OOTD #48

OOTD #49

OOTD #50

OOTD #51

OOTD #52

OOTD #53

OOTD #54

OOTD #55

OOTD #56

OOTD #57 

OOTD #58

OOTD #59

OOTD #60

OOTD #61

As you can see, my love affair for Topshop jeans and cute skirts is still strong! I ombred my hair this year (something I've wanted to do forever) and I'm planning to get it cut shorter, here's hoping I like it as much! I love outfit number 60, I felt rather Parisian which was so what I was going for. I also really like 43, 51 and 55 :)  

Let me know if you have done a post like this! 

What do you think of my outfits this year? 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really love ootd 54 and 59. I think you look stunning in both of the photos and the clothes are beautiful, right up my street. In photo 54 you're wearing a hat and I really wish I could pull that off, I just don't have the confidence. What would you say is your favourite fashion piece to go with outfits?

    Tabitha x //

    1. I'm sure you could! Go for it!! I love watches and a good bag can really make an outfit :) x

  3. You look amazing! Love OOTD #60, #55 and #47 :)

  4. I love everything with daisies. They're just so cute!
    My Life In A Tab

  5. You really have an amazing style Alice. You look absolutely gorgeous. Love all of your outfits but my favorites ones are #35, #37 and #47. xo

    Antonia || Sweet Passions

  6. your style is so nice, loving 47 and 59! x
