OOTD #60
Bonjour tout le monde!
Guess who is finally writing a blog post?! I have well and truly slacked for the past few months in terms of blogging. I'm annoyed with myself for letting time run away with me quite so badly! Setting that aside, I've got lots of material from Paris to blog about so yay! I had the most incredible time. It was everything I wanted it to be and more- I always worry when you hear so much about a city or specific place that you are going to underwhelmed, but Paris was worth all it's hype. I'm now dreaming about living there if my french is ever good enough!
On the first full day we visited the Louvre and the Tuileries (which I will have a full post on soon) and this is what I wore, firstly with my jacket and scarf and after with a lipstick change!
Mac- Primark
Scarf- Vintage
Top- Primark
Belt- Primark
Watch- Olivia Burton
Shorts- River Island
Tights- M&S
Boots- Office
Whilst I was taking these pictures, I was being stared at by confused french teenagers, so bare with the poses!
These shorts were a fab sale find, only £12 from about £30 I think. They are a really nice thick material so perfect for winter with a pair of tights. I'm really loving hounds-tooth at the moment so they are right up my street. Roll necks have become a favourite of mine this season, I think they look so smart. This one is more of a t-shirt material than a jumper, so I've ordered a nice thick one for when it gets colder. These boots are my staff shoe and served me well in Paris. The weather was lovely the whole time were where there, not cold at all, so I made the most of wearing this not-so-warm outfit!
I hope you are all good, let me know what you've been up to! I missed interacting with all you lovely people.
What do you think of this outfit? Have you been to Paris?